Friday, November 30, 2007


Ok. I am impatiently waiting to find out if I got a new position at work. I just want to go from Retail rental cars to Insurance rentals, but they are so corporate there. I had to write a formal letter of interest, my supervisor had to prepare a "packet" for me that includes a gushing letter of recommendation, my last yearly review and recent statistics. Then my supervisor helps me prepare for my interview, by setting up a mock interview with two other supervisors, and gave me a list of interview questions to be prepared to have answers for. He gives me tips like, "Make sure you don't smoke right before the interview or bring a tooth brush to use right before, Make sure you have a pad and pen and have at least ten questions ready for the end of the interview." I had to go to a formal interview, business suit and all, and wait an ungodly length of time to see if I got the job.

And to top all that off. . . I am taking a cut in pay if I get it!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Middle of the night

well, it's 5:30am and I am up because the phone rang at 3:30am which I didnt answer, and I had a headache. Now my tummy hurts. . . too much gas or something. I should go back to bed, I took some medicine and my headache is gone, but I am battling this tummy thing now. I may as well so something on here.

I have some poems on and I guess there is this contest if you rate my poem, so here is the link to tell me what you think of it.

Rate my poem, Go here

Thursday, November 22, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

After the set up

Okay this looks pretty good to me whatcha think???


Who is the Lorax?

The Lorax is a very important character from Dr. Suess about environmental issues. He is a creature that berates another character for cutting down rare trees that he makes Thneeds with. As he sells some he starts cutting down more trees to make more Thneeds, eventually ruining the water supply and making the critters in the water leave because they were choking on the polluted water. Then the air was filled with smog and the birds have to leave, the animals that lived in the trees had to leave because there werent enough Truffala trees left. Finally after the character had cut down most of the trees, the Lorax is there telling him he has ruined the environment. When the last tree was cut the Lorax left and said he wont be back "Unless". Unless someone cares enough to do something about it, and plant the last Truffala tree seed and take care of it to grow.

The Lorax "Speaks for the trees, for the trees have no tongues".

I am a Lorax lover, A tree hugger if you will, and I love Trees!